"transmitting guidance"
Taoist Mentorship of The Integral Way
Part of my individual duty to help the world is to find and support other responsible individuals who have a ruby heart and selfless motivation to work as helpers toward a healthy, cooperative Society. They are not “warriors” or “elite.” In fact they have no formal title that sets them above or separates them from others. I call them Mentors... of the Integral Way. They may formally teach, or help in other useful ways, or they may simply live their lives in accordance with universal consciousness as models...of the Integral Way.”
Enrich Your Life with Virtue by Hua-Ching Ni, pages 97-98
Welcome potential Mentors. Before we get into the details of what a Mentor is, we want to welcome you into a wonderful fellowship of dedicated spiritual teachers and students who have made healing themselves and helping others heal, an essential part of their lives. If you choose to join, you will be asked to read some Integral Way books, take a Meditation class, and eventually a Qi Movement class to immerse yourself in this amazing ancient wisdom that is also a modern medicine
How Will I Know If I Am A Potential Mentor?
Are you interested in growing spiritually by seeing through all the darkness in human life that causes spiritual downfall and personal failure? Do you want to see through the darkness caused by certain personal behaviors and emotional actions and reactions? Do you want to see through the superficial customs of all spiritual cultures that set people apart from one another and prevent them from reaching the unity of genuine spiritual oneness? Do you want to see through the darkness of certain mental attitudes developed over one’s life from different intellectual influences, which disable one from reaching the Highest Truth and the Light of Life? In other words, are you tired of being sick! Do you want a healthier mind, body, and spirit? Do you want to live a long and fulfilling life while uncovering your hidden destiny? Do you long for a more loving world? Do you want to be a living example, a loving light to share and/or teach in the world? One or all of the above qualifies you to become a Mentor of the Integral Way.
If you are interested in exploring this Mentorship program, we would like to offer you a 15 minute Discovery phone call. Email us with some times you are available, and we will schedule a phone appointment.
As you develop spiritually, the Mentor level you eventually attain is not important because there is no ambitious rush. OmNi assures us, “the moment you decide to grow spiritually, you walk hand in hand with every sage that has walked the planet.” If your final choice is to become a Level 1 Mentor - celebrate your decision and continue to enjoy a healthy spiritual life. The Integral Way Mentor Program is not designed to function as a hierarchy of classes leading to a degree or one that bestows status.
Integral Way Mentor Level 1 focuses on self-cultivating Qi (raising your energy) & self-educating oneself on how to live a naturally inspired healthy life. There are some reading assignments from OmNi’s books. These books will become your friend, mentor and guide to the healthiest version of yourself. This first Mentor level also requires one to develop a quiet (Yin) Meditation practice through the College of Tao’s International Taoist Meditation Institute. This calms one's mind down and provides some empty space for the more subtle energies of your spirit and intuition to grow. Completing Mentor Level 1 also gives you the option of applying to the Advanced Traditional Practices Program Levels 1-4. These are the esoteric practices of the Ni family Tradition.
Integral Way Mentor Level 2 focuses on Qi development, Qi balance, and serving your community. At this level, there is an emphasis on increasing your subtle spiritual awareness and encouraging the balance of the Yin and Yang energies in all aspects of your life. And, Level 2 encourages a continued study of Hua-Ching Ni’s books on the Integral Way. His books will guide you toward a balanced and healthier version of you. Many in this level wish to become teachers and share these health and spiritual benefits with their community. Also, completing Mentor Level 2 gives you the option, if you have not already done so, of applying to the Advanced Traditional Practices Program Levels 1-8.
Integral Way Mentor Level 3 focuses on a deeper commitment to refine one's Qi & healing abilities while serving humanity. Level 3 encourages you to open up to a subtle healing realm of the Integral Way. This is why Mentor Level 3 requires a deeper commitment. Hua-Ching Ni’s books are the lodestar that can guide you to these subtle virtues. His guidance in these spiritually efficacious disciplines can awaken the Integral Way in you and are the key to spiritual freedom. Completing Mentor Level 3 gives you the option, if you have not already done so, of applying to the Advanced Traditional Practices Program Levels 1-36.
Begin Your Enlightening Journey
For more information on becoming a Mentor of the Integral Way, or to receive the complete Mentor Handbook, or to schedule your Free Discovery Call please email us at…