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Big Love and Small Love

Uniting Heaven and People

The knowledge from the spiritual and cultural heritage of China is based on eight

thousands years of wisdom and experience of the human relationship with Nature.

But despite its universal depth and breadth, the Chinese, after suffering many defeats

during the nineteenth century began to reject its value in favor of the newer and

fashionable foreign systems. Although physical defeat was not a new experience,

there was a deep sense of failure regarding the old humanistic culture based on the

truth from Nature. Thus, although their humanistic culture is one of the best in

the world, it was unable to defend the pride of the Chinese nation.

People who are capable, virtuous and rich and use these to provide for people in need,

fulfill the Way of heavenly virtue for people. And those in need who rely on help

from others, but repay them with physical labor fulfill the Way of earthly virtue.

People who practice mutual help respect and fulfill the morality of Nature

and bypass the social classes that group into masters and slaves.

The Five Healths for A New Humanity

Hua-Ching Ni & Mao Shing Ni

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