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Certification Process

​If you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor in one or more of the Ni Family movements, please follow these 4 steps under the guidance of a Senior Instructor:

1. Learn the form. Take classes from Certified Instructors. We have online classes and courses to help you in your learning process. In addition there are in person classes at dedicated and affiliate COT Centers. Other ways to learn any of the College of Tao forms is to attend our Retreats, look for these under the events tab in the menu on this site. We also have many videos and books to assist in your learning and are invaluable resources for learning and refining your form  Notify your instructor that you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor and they will connect you to a Senior Instructor or search for one in the CHI Directory. This person will mentor you through the Certification process.

2. Complete the "Entering the Tao: Integral Way Course for Spiritual Self-Development" (you only have to take Part I). 

3. Take an Instructor Training Intensive. Upon successful completion of your Instructor Intensive, the Senior Instructor will send a “pass” confirmation to College of Tao and your Senior Instructor will schedule your Practical Exam. During the Practical Exam.The Senior Instructor will ask you to demonstrate your knowledge and accuracy of the form that you are seeking to be certified in. 
Alternatively, instead of an Instructor Training Intensive, the Senior Instructor may require you to take and assist a course, training you through the teaching assistance process.  
4. Complete the Application and Pay all the required Fees. See Fee Schedule below.


Fee Schedule for Instructor Certification*

  • Instructor Training Intensive Fee: US $80 ($50 for current YSU students) paid directly to Senior Instructor

  • Practical Exam Fee: US $50. Payable to the Senior Instructor

  • ​New Application Fee: US $85. Every time you apply for a new Chi Health Movement Form or Meditation Certification you are required to pay this application fee

  • New Certification Fee: US $95 ($70 for current YSU students) This amount is prorated by the months remaining in the calendar year. New Certification means for those who are being certified for the very first time, afterwards there is only an Annual Renewal Fee (see below).

  • Annual Renewal Fee: US $95. For New Certification(s) and to Renew your Certification(s) regardless of how many forms you have been certified in. Current Yo San students pay an Annual Fee of $70 until graduation after which the Renewal Fee becomes $95


*Certified Instructors with a lapsed Certificate may not teach or represent themselves as a Certified Instructor unless their teaching certificate is valid and in good standing.


There are three fundamental ranks of The Integral Way/Ni Family Movement Arts

Certified Instructor/Practitioner

The first rank is Certified Instructor. A new instructor starts off at the Certified Instructor rank. The Certified Instructor knows the form and has the basic tools to teach the form in classes, workshops, and private lessons. They may also help students prepare for teaching certification. However, they cannot give the Practical Exam or the required Instructor Training Intensive to Certified Instructor candidates. A person may remain at this rank for as long as they like, or they may choose to seek elevation to the rank of Senior Instructor with additional training and experience. Certified Instructor levels are particular to each form. For example in The Eight Treasures there are 3 levels, so a Certified Instructor would be denoted as L1 (CI), L2 (CI), L3 (CI). This correlates to "Level 1 Certified Instructor" and so on. Some forms have 4, 3, 2, or only 1 level at the (CI) Certified Instructor level. This system is in place to make learning the basics of a form more achievable and the ability to teach and help others more expedient. The pages of our forms will explain the levels of each form. The distinction of these different levels for certification is only applicable at the (CI) Certified Instructor levels of training and instruction. At the following level (SI) Senior Instructor one must complete the entire form as a (SI) Senior Instructor as one complete training. 

Certified Instructors are required to pass Entering the Tao: Integral Way Course for Spiritual Self-Development Course, Part I. Read More Here

Senior Instructor/Practitioner
The second fundamental rank is Senior Instructor. Senior Instructors are authorized to administer the Practical Exam and offer the required Instructor Training Intensive to Certified Instructor candidates, and to certify those that pass all the requirements. Senior Instructors have a deeper level of knowledge regarding their movement art, more than one year’s teaching experience in their form, including assisting another Instructor, greater maturity in teaching and practice, and additional training in the form and having taken the required Senior Instructor Training Intensive.
Senior Instructors are required to be a Mentor of the Integral Way. 

Master Instructor/Practitioner
The third fundamental rank is Master Instructor. Master Instructors will engage in specific training and can only be certified by The Master of The Tradition or Master Instructor with authorized proxy.

There is no open application for this level and is on a case by case basis.

Provisional Level
-Provisional Certified Instructor
A Temporary position that holds all the authorities of a Certified Instructor with the caveat that certain administrative or training protocols have to be met within a specified period.
-Provisional Senior Instructor (This level is limited to Level 1 in all forms)

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