InfiniChi Medical Qi Gong Institute
Do You have a Health Plan?
"I want Inspiration, Vitality, a Strong Immune System,
Longevity, Peace of Mind, and a Bright Spirit!"
Everyone wants a good health plan. Are you planning on being healthy? The College of Tao has some wonderful health programs that you can enroll in. The ancient Taoist sages knew the hidden power of many natural medicines. They understood the medicinal abilities of color, sound, food, herbs, positive thinking, energy enhancing movements, mother nature, and storytelling (guided meditations.)
In 2007, Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered a new field of western medicine called “Epigenetics.” Epi … means above and … genetics refers to the genes. What is above the genes? We are! What Dr. Lipton discovered is “what we think or believe, affects our cells immediately.” Dr. Lipton proved what many healers, doctors, and teachers have been saying for centuries. Positive stimulus produces a positive, healthy result. This InfiniChi Medical Qi Gong section is a collection of powerful positive energy (Qi) stimuli that are healing modalities that have been time-tested for several thousand years.
Infinichi Medical Qi Gong, Infinichi Energy Qi Gong, Qi Gong for Cancer Support, and Qi Gong for Weight Wellness can lead to becoming a certified Qi Gong teacher or a Qi Gong Practitioner. These Qi Gong classes and information DVD's become a Health Plan by merging...
“...Ancient Wisdom and Modern Medicine.”
Edward Sullivan
Dean of the InfiniChi Medical Qigong Institute
Qi Gong for Cancer Support and Cancer Prevention Class Coming Soon