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InfiniChi  Energy Qi Gong Level 1

May 23 - 25, 2025


Dr. Mao Shing Ni & Edward Sullivan 


  • Protect yourself

  • Protect your environment

  • Strengthen your Vitality or Qi

  • Learn the Foundation of Medical Qigong Healing

Welcome Qi friends,


You will learn some Ancient healing Qi Gong practices that can strengthen your immune system and lay the foundation for helping others heal. Students are introduced to the basic principles of Tradition Chinese Medicine (TCM.)


The Level 1 course may be taken for your personal health and protection. Or you may decide to continue on and learn additional InfiniChi levels to help your family and friends heal. The advanced levels are the professional path to become an InfiniChi Energy Qi Gong Practitioner. 


This ancient wisdom is based upon the healing modalities of the Hua-Ching Ni Family and TCM Medical Qigong texts. It features a systematic program that increases Qi sensitivity, facilitates Qi healing, and helps to awaken the healing power of subtle energy. 

Level 1 - Prerequisites: None


Friday May 23, through Sunday May 25  

9 am - 12 pm Pacific Time 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Pacific Time


Total Cost: $350.  ($300 If Registered by May 10)


If you have already taken this class you can AUDIT for $89. for the whole weekend 


In-Person will be held at Yo San University

13315 Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90066 2nd floor InfiniChi Room or Zoom. 


After you have registered and paid, a Zoom Link will be sent to you the week of the course. 

Class recordings will be sent to all participants. 


For information about the entire InfiniChi Program, click on the REGISTER button above.


Any questions please contact


Edward Sullivan: Dean 

Infinichi Energy Healing Qi Gong Institute 

Dr. Mao Shing Ni
Ed Sullivan, Dean, InfiniChi Medical Qi Gong Institute

Students can attend In-Person at Yo San University or on Zoom.  If you cannot attend that day In-person or on Zoom, then I will send you a copy of the Zoom class that you will have access to for 1 month.

Students will be provided a digital textbook for each class.  

Welcome to InfiniChi Medical & Energy Qi Gong 

Edward Sullivan, Dean of Infinichi Medical Qi Gong Institute, is a Senior InfiniChi Instructor and Practitioner. He has been teaching at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the last 30 years.  Edward Sullivan has taught Infinichi Energy Qi Gong for the past 15 years. He has also taught Qi Gong at the We Spark Cancer Support Center for over 20 years. 

In order to fulfill OmNi and Dr. Mao Shing Ni's vision of training a new generation of Qi healers to cleanse the world of poor health, unhappiness and spiritual devolution, InfiniChi Medical Qi Gong Institute was founded as an affiliate institute of the College of Tao. InfiniChi is a non-touch therapy where a practitioner assesses and manipulates the internal and external energies of a patient to enhance healing and balance. InfiniChi offers professional level training in Qi healing (Qi Gong,) leading to one of two certifications. If you are an acupuncturist you can be certified as an Infinichi Medical Qi Gong practitioner. If you are not an acupuncturist you can be certified as an Infinichi Energy Qi Gong Practitioner. This is explained later.

To Become The Medicine

If you want to heal yourself and help others heal, then you may have the sincerity and determination to become a Qi Healer.  Becoming a InfiniChi Medical Qi Gong Practitioner or an InfiniChi Energy Qi Gong Practitioner is to acknowledge that you want to awaken to your full potential, your destiny.  This program doesn’t treat QI (Energy) as another theoretical word.  Studying Qi, utilizing Qi, storing it for health and longevity, and using it to help others heal is dependent on your personal connection to your Spirit, Mother Nature, God or the Tao.   In other words, this course encourages you to develop a personal Spiritual Cultivation program for yourself.  The goal is for each practitioner to live the medicine, “To Become The Medicine.”

The InfiniChi program can be taken for your own personal health, or it can lead to a professional career. Level 1 can be taken to just strengthen your immune system, protect your environment and help you lead a long and healthy life. The InfiniChi program can also be taken for a professional career by taking all four courses and fulfilling the certification process.

InfiniChi Level 2 B

                                                 Prerequisites: Completed Levels 1, 2A

Students can attend In-Person at Yo San University or on Zoom.  If you cannot attend that day in-person or on Zoom, then I will send you a copy of the Zoom class that you will have access to for 1 month. Students will be provided a digital textbook for each class.  

Students continue to develop their personal Qi sensitivity and are taught some important acupressure points as well as some advanced healing techniques like “Bone Marrow Washing.”  The students deepen their knowledge and healing vocabulary by practicing on others using the, “Five-Cloud Healing Protocol.”  

InfiniChi Level 3

Prerequisites: Completed Levels 1, 2A & 2B

Students can attend In-Person at Yo San University or on Zoom.  If you cannot attend that day In-person or on Zoom, then I will send you a copy of the Zoom class that you will have access to for 1 month. Students will be provided a digital textbook for each class.  Students learn the healing protocols for the most common ailments with the addition of acupressure points.  Advanced energy cultivations like “long-distance healing, and sky needle” and as well as Medical Qigong clinical applications.  

                                                                                  InfiniChi Level 4

                                           Infinichi Medical or Energy Qi Gong Certification 

  1. Must have 200 documented client sessions.

  2. Must have 2 - case studies on someone that you have worked on at least 10 times.

  3. Must have Instructor watch (in-person or on Zoom) a complete healing session on someone using the InfiniChi Qi Gong protocols.  (COST: $100.)

  4. If you have passed the instructors monitoring then you contact College of Tao and request Certification. First time registration fee…$85.  Yearly cost of keeping up license, $95.


“Let’s heal together.”


Edward Sullivan: Dean

InfiniChi Medical Qigong Institute

Any Questions Please Contact Edward Sullivan at

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