Tao of Life Tele Study
March 2025
I Ching - The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth
by Hua-Ching Ni
Thursday March 20, 2025 | 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm PT
Use Passcode 2825
I'd like to explore the Applications of the Seasonal Variations, p 70 – 71, in Chapter 6, titled The Various Energy Cycles of Nature from the I Ching -The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth by Hua-Ching Ni.
The Chart - Figure 84 (p 69) is important in this discussion. “In the body there are twelve big ties connecting the soul to the body. This bondage is an obstacle to the upliftment of the soul; thus, it is wise to utilize the power of forgiveness to dissolve these intricate ties. One can also take advantage of the eight main seasonal periods to dissolve these ties and reform one’s personality. There are many good spiritual practices which can be learned. The eight seasonal periods are very important to a person who is serious about cultivation. If you do a general spiritual practice, the seasonal periods can also have a good effect on dissolving the knots and ties."
For further information on this topic, please see Chapter 8. (This last part is only for personal guidance, but not for this discussion.)
From daily cycles to seasonal periods, I’d like to discuss the importance of arranging our lives according to the energy cycles as well as how to dissolve this bondage, realistically facing the obstacles and ties to effectively dissolve them and thereby reform ourselves. Thank you, Amira Kusala
If you have any questions, please contact Vlad Iliev at: vladimiriliev@sbcglobal.net