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Advanced Traditional Practice

Peter Stege

The Advanced Traditional Practice (ATP) Program is for personal healing and spiritual development and was founded and taught by Grandmaster Hua-Ching Ni (Omni), in 1995 at the USIW Annual Retreat. It is currently continued by College of Tao Co-Chancellor Dr. Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Mao) and the ATP Program Dean, Peter Stege.  ATP is a long-term program of instruction in the esoteric, closely guarded practices of the Integral Way tradition as taught by the Ni Family. 


Originally, the ATP Program consisted of 36 levels of instruction with a student learning one level per year resulting in 36 years of continuous cultivation “in a spiral that spans the height and depth of self-development.”  These 36 levels are divided into three 12 year cycles or spheres focusing on the energy realms of Earth, Humanity, and Spirit. In 2020 the ATP Program was redesigned so that participants in the program can learn up to 2 ATP levels per year thus completing the 36 levels of instruction in 18 years.  Participants now have the option of learning 1 to 2 levels per year based on their own motivation and learning capacities.


ATP initially focuses on development of skills to aid participants in their own cultivation and well-being.  As one progresses through the levels, one is instructed in how to use ATP as a spiritual healing modality to help others in need.


ATP instruction is done one on one or in small groups, either in person or on ZOOM. Instruction is offered in Feb. around the time of the COT Chinese New Year and the first weekend of August. Throughout its history, the ATP program was mostly an oral tradition, thus there is little written documentation.  The main written teaching we have can be found in The Universal Path of Natural Life, Chapter 19 by Hua-Ching Ni (PDF document or hard copy available upon request).  


According to Omni, “learning the ancient arts was a privilege, a lifetime opportunity, and a useful pursuit and a challenge… By doing these practices, you change yourself from being on a heavy physical level to having a light energy body, from being on the stubborn mental level to being the flexible universal mind, and from being on the ego-centered level of life, you uplift yourself to the universal soul.” 


The Earth Sphere of ATP

The First Twelve Levels of ATP  

    1.  26 Healing Movements: Opens all the channels, and promotes spiritual clarity and communication. 

    2.  Summoning and Establishing Protective Energy: Protective energy; directs healing energy. 

    3.  Spinning the Wheel of the North Star: Strengthens life energy and the will to live.

    4.  Pre-Heaven Bagua Healing: Promotes returning to the original oneness; and cleanses prior karma. 

    5.  a) Issuing Protective Energy: Protective; disables harmful energy

         b) FIve Elements Practice For Conquering Trouble: Harmonizes and guides spiritual energy.

         c) Five-In-One Invocation: Awakens and harmonizes spiritual energy.

   6.  Infinity Practice:  Unties spiritual “knots” and breaks repeating cycles of self-defeating behavior.

   7.  Aligning with the 28 Constellations: Orients spiritual direction and balances emotional / spiritual tendencies. 

   8.  Union with the Big Dipper: Promotes clarity and purpose. 

   9.  Hun and Po Meditation: Purifies and refines spiritual energy.

  10. Untying the Spirit: Assists a soul in transcending at the completion of life. 

  11. Soul Purification: Purifies and aligns the spiritual energy.

  12. Ultra-vision: Develops internal spiritual “vision”. 


The following sections are divided into MENTORS and ITMI GRADUATES.  Please scroll down to your applicable section. 

Who May Apply for the ATP Program

A.) Those who have completed Level 1 COT Mentor Certification r
equirements may apply and be instructed in            ATP Levels 1-4.

B.) Those who have completed Level 2 COT Mentor Certification requirements may apply and be instructed in            ATP Levels 1-8                               

C.) Those who have completed Level 3 COT Mentor Certification requirements may apply and be instructed in              ATP Levels 1-36.


            For more information on the Mentorship program, contact Amira Kusala

                                 For more information and to apply to the ATP program.


 ATP Application Process for Mentors 


  1. Be sure your Mentor Certificate is up to date. For more on these requirements consult the Mentor of the Integral Way Handbook 2020 edition or contact the College of Tao Mentorship Program Coordinator Amira Kusala at 


   2. Read Universal Path of Natural Life, Chapter 19 by Hua-Ching Ni.  PDF document or hard copy available               upon request by emailing Peter Stege at


   3. Submit a copy of your “Brief Statement of My Life Journey” from the Mentor of the Integral Way Handbook             checklist and include a statement of interest in the ATP program to the ATP Program Dean.                                    send to Peter Stege at


   4. Once the above three steps are completed, reviewed and approved by the ATP Program Dean, an                         application for instruction will be sent to you. The fee for each level of ATP instruction is $300. Please do not         pay the fee until Steps 1 - 4 have been completed and your application has been submitted and accepted.


   5. After the completion of your application and payment of the $300 tuition fee, ATP instruction is usually                   scheduled close to the Lunar New Year or the first weekend in August.  In person ATP instruction is                         recommended but since 2019 most instruction is on ZOOM.   


Note: Generally, one learns and practices one or 2 levels per year.  While advancing through the many different levels of the ATP program, one is not required to practice all levels.  For example, if you have progressed to Level 12, you are not required to practice Levels 1-11.  You may want to continue with the practice of certain levels, but it is not a requirement that you regularly practice all previous levels.

                                         Contact info: Peter Stege, ATP Program Dean, 


 Who May Apply for ATP Instruction

 ITMI Level 3 Graduates


 All ITMI Graduates who have completed ITMI Level 3 Certification and Teacher Training can apply for ATP           Instruction.

 Application Process for New ATP Participants



Please Note:  The main difference between the application process for Mentors and ITMI Graduates is that because of their extensive experience of consistent meditation practice, the ITMI Graduates are not required to become COT Mentors before applying to ATP. This requirement is being delayed so that an individual may enter the program and begin ATP instruction.  However, it is understood that ITMI graduates will be working on becoming Mentors while at the same time going through the ATP program.

1. Complete ITMI Level 3 Certification and Teacher Training.

2. Read The Universal Path of Natural Life, Chapter 19 by Hua-Ching Ni. PDF document or hard copy available  upon request.

3. Submit to the ATP Dean a statement of your interest in the ATP Program and also submit a brief statement

of your life journey.

4. Once the above three steps are completed, reviewed and approved by the ATP Program Dean, an application for instruction will be sent to you. The fee for each level of ATP instruction is $300. Please do not pay the fee until steps 1 - 3 have been completed. Send the fee of $300 along with your ATP application , which will also have payment instructions on it, to

5. Enroll in Part 1 of Entering the Tao: Integral Way Course for Spiritual Self-Development. Contact Jono Howard at to read more about this course. Refer to the College of Tao website (this site) and navigate to "Institutes", select Tao Studies Institute. This is one of the Mentor requirements that need to be fulfilled while studying ATP. After one graduates from ITMI Level 3 there is usually a gap in the calendar before ATP instruction, so this gap ia an opportunity to begin work on this requirement.

6. After you have submitted your completed application and paid the $300 tuition fee, instruction in ATP will be scheduled either around the time of the Lunar New Year in February or the first weekend of August. The tuition for each level of ATP instruction is $300.

Note: While advancing through the many different levels of the ATP program, one is not required to practice all levels.  For example, if one has progressed to Level 12, one is not required to practice Levels 1-11.  One may continue with the practice of certain levels, but it is not a requirement that one regularly practice all previous levels. 


For any questions about the ATP Program contact Peter Stege.  Program Dean

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